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7 seconds. That’s how quickly Jean-Claude pays his rent
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10 September 2024
Jean-Claude lives in Cairns and last week got a note from his property manager that they were moving to the Ailo platform.
As part of the changeover, his property manager said he would get more rent payment options (including debit and credit cards) and a mobile app that he could message his property manager directly on to report and resolve repairs quickly, see upcoming rent and bills, and view his tenancy history.
One week in, we got the lowdown on how he’s finding the change.
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Tell us about your first time paying rent on the platform – how was it?

My real estate just switched to Ailo. They sent me a link to the app, and I made my first payment through it last week.
I think it was around 12 o’clock at night, because I was getting up to go to work. By the time I finished getting ready, I got a notification saying you've been paid, and that’s when I pay my rent so I don’t forget.
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“I logged into Ailo and it pretty much did everything for me. It took me like 7 seconds to pay rent.”

Jean-Claude, a renter in Cairns
I could pay right now or pay later – and it had the sum amount I owed. I changed it, because I wanted to pay two weeks in advance, and then pressed pay rent.

What was your first impression when you signed in to the platform?

The app looks really nice, to be honest. And it was simple, actually. Really simple. I logged in and it had all my rental history. And it asked if I wanted to pay rent today, and I clicked on that. It was straightforward, not confusing.

How was your experience compared to the previous way you paid rent?

Ailo makes everything a lot easier. Everything's there and where you need it to be, so you don't have to go searching through like six different tabs to find where you need to go like in my banking app.
As soon as you open it, it’s like ‘hey, do this or this!’ It was cool. The amount of money it showed was the amount of money I owed. And it told me, ‘you need to pay rent today.’ I signed in and it was just there. I love that, because when you go to your banking app you have to go through like three different screens.
I like using my visa debit card. Anything online that doesn't require face-to-face, I pay with an actual card. It’s always on my desk or right next to me. So I was like, I'll just use this. I didn't care about the fee [associated with paying with a debit card]. If Ailo was like a super complicated system maybe, but it wasn't. It took me, like, seven seconds [to pay rent].
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“Ailo makes everything a lot easier. Everything's there and where you need it to be, so you don't have to go searching.”

Jean-Claude, a renter in Cairns, QLD

Besides more ways to pay rent, what else do you like about the Ailo platform so far?

I think the only real biggest issue renters have – outside of transferring money for rent – is trying to get in contact with their property manager to get either repairs or something done. But Ailo already has that in the app, because you can chat or message your property manager.