Frequently Asked Questions

About Ailo
What is Ailo?
What is the history of Ailo?
Is Ailo an Australian business?
Ailo for renters
As a renter, what benefits do I get from my property manager on Ailo?
Is there a fee to use Ailo?
Do you have a fee waiver program for concession card holders?
What if I'm a Centrelink customer?
Ailo for property investors
What can I expect if my property manager uses Ailo?
Do I have to use Ailo?
Is there a fee for property investors to use the app?
My agency uses Ailo's property compliance solution. What does this mean for me?
Privacy and security
How is Ailo secured?
How is Ailo regulated?
Why do I need to provide payment details and other information my property manager already has?
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