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'Ailo is an absolute game changer'
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27 July 2023
Catherine Wells, the Senior Property Manager at Ray White Batemans Bay tells us how Ailo has helped her team with arrears and improving relationships with tradespeople.
We’ve got a team of five which we are continually growing and we are managing about 280 properties at the moment which has grown quite significantly since using Ailo.
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“We’re finding that we’re cutting off two hours a day doing arrears chasing which has increased productivity massively.”

Catherine Wells, Ray White Batemans Bay
‘Ailo is an absolute game changer’ is a common phrase we use with the system. Productivity is just so much better in the office. We’re finding that we’re cutting off two hours a day doing arrears chasing which has increased productivity massively.
What does your team think of Ailo?
They absolutely love the system. It’s just so easy to use and we’re all a bit happier as a team because it’s just such an easy system to get stuck into and get started.
How has Ailo helped with arrears?
So, we had this one tenant who would occasionally fall behind on their rent in the old system and we constantly had to make phone calls to them. They just did not realise they were in arrears until we let them know. Now they have Ailo they can see on their app where they’re paid to and they can sit at the pub at two in the morning paying rent and that’s great as long as the rent is paid!
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“People know that in a small area it can be hard to get good tradespeople and we can say “We’ve got amazing relationships because of Ailo”

Catherine Wells, Ray White Batemans Bay
What do your landlords love about Ailo?
When we get phone calls for new business one of the main questions we get is “how are your relationships with tradespeople?”
People know that in a small area it can be hard to get good tradespeople and we can say “We’ve got amazing relationships because of Ailo” and we can run them through why.
For tradespeople to get paid quickly in a small community means that they can get paid straight away and not be out of pocket. So, we’ve built really strong relationships with certain tradespeople who are choosing to work with our agency over other agencies in the area.
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