How Renee caters to consumers' need for speed
02 September 2024
Consumers today don't want to wait.
They want the information they need when they need it – they don't want to wait for someone else to start their workday (or for a statement at the end of the month), so they can complete their tax return or review their cash flow.
Everyone has the same amount of time in a day – 1,440 minutes. Hear how Renee, a property manager at Freedom Property in Darwin, uses the Ailo platform to make sure her customers spend as little time as possible waiting for to reply.

What do your investors love most about Ailo?
My owners and tenants love the chat feature. They know that I'm going to get the message within seconds of them hitting send.
When I'm lying on the couch, I can just answer a chat quickly while I'm watching Home and Away. An owner will send through a quick chat, ‘Hi Renee, I haven't received my end of financial year statement’. And I'll say, 'No worries, log into your app and have a look, you'll find it here' really easily - without having to get up, login to my computer, and track it down and email it.
I can just do it from my couch. It's amazing.
The transparency for their properties for tenants and owners has been a real blessing for everybody.
I get emails about maintenance these days, not questions that they can easily answer for themselves.
Owners have access to the inspections now and I've had a couple of owners say it's great for them to get first-hand access.
“The transparency for tenants and owners has been a real blessing for everybody.”
— Renee Morrison, Property Manager at Freedom Palmerston
What’s your advice for a property manager new to the Ailo platform?
Embrace the process.
We're all set in our ways. But there are much easier ways to property manage - and this is the way to do it.
How have you been using the new Takeover Management Project?
Takeover Management project's been really positive for me. It makes it a lot easier for me to follow, tick off as I'm going along. The Ailo support team have always been amazing and helpful - but I contact them less now.
It's easy to set up the property and confirm the owner myself. That's a big time saver. It's given me time back and taken something off my to-do list.
“There are much easier ways to property manage - and Ailo is the way to do it. I really enjoy it.”
— Renee Morrison, Property Manager at Freedom Palmerston