How Perspective helps landlords pay off their mortgages faster
27 July 2021

Cate Cox, Director of Perspective Property Management in Canberra (ACT) was looking for something to help minimise renter arrears and provide her investors with access to their money straight away.
She found Ailo and we were exactly what she needed.
We also spoke to one of Cate's investors, Candice, who enjoys accessing her income straight away so that she can draw down her mortgage as soon as possible!
Cate, why did you join Ailo?
Cate: I had a tenant who consistently paid their rent late and that had an impact on the investor and their timeline for paying their mortgage. So I was looking for something that would help me communicate with the tenant and also automatically disburse the owner, so that as soon as the tenant did pay their rent, it would just happened automatically.
Ailo came about and it was exactly what I needed - I was able to go back to this investor ... and say 'look how we are trying to improve our way of doing business'.
Cate, why would you recommend Ailo?
Cate: I would recommend Ailo to other property managers because it provides a fantastic service to our clients, but also it saves us as property managers so much time and we can spend that time communicating with our clients and building our relationships.
Candice, what do you love about Ailo?
Candice: We have access to our rent and income straight away. This is a real game changer in being able to pay my bills instantly, have access to my funds, and particularly to be able to draw down the loan as quickly as possible.
“I really do wish that this same function was available through my other property management agencies around Australia!”
— Candice, Property Investor