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Safer homes for tenants, peace of mind for property managers
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02 October 2023
In Australia, property investors must comply with a patchwork of complex and evolving state and federal legislation designed to keep their properties safe for renters.
We sat down with Belinda Lennon, Senior Property Manager at Ray White Helensburgh, to learn about her experience managing property compliance in New South Wales and why she chose Ailo’s compliance solution.

You’ve been in the business for a long time. How has property compliance legislation evolved?

I’ve been in property management for over 20 years, and compliance has definitely grown in significance over the past few years in particular. Today, it’s about more than just smoke alarms.
We have to worry about corded windows and blinds, water efficiency, and electrical safety. It’s a lot. That’s why it was so important for us to find a compliance partner we could trust.

How did you manage compliance for your properties before Ailo?

Previously, it was so hard to manage especially as the requirements and regulation grew. We had a compliance provider, but we still had to sit down regularly and go through every single property line by line to make sure they were inspected in a timely manner.
There was no online portal, so no easy way to know who was due when. Plus, we had to remember to email work orders when we had new leases or change of dates.
Ailo takes all that work away.

What piqued your interest in Ailo’s compliance solution?

I had this lightbulb moment earlier this year when I was going through our properties and realised I couldn’t easily tell which ones were compliant and which ones had upcoming safety inspections. And that’s when I went, I’m done. We need a better solution.
We chose Ailo’s compliance solution because it’s all part of one system. Everything is right there in one place, and I don’t need to swap from one portal to another to see what’s going on.

What does your day-to-day look like now?

We can easily see who is compliant and who is coming up for an inspection. And the work orders are automatic. Ailo's partners, Property Compliance Australia, know exactly who is due for an inspection and when, without us having to prompt them. They just get it done.

“It’s probably saving us a day a month, which gives us more time to spend helping our renters or working with our landlords.”

Belinda Lennon, Senior Property Manager at Ray White Helensburgh

What do your property investors think of the new service?

I only had a handful of clients who were concerned about the change at first, but in general our landlords were just happy the work is being done and done well – and their properties are safe and compliant.

What’s your final verdict?

I would never go back to the old way. It took up too much time and was stressful.